Longhorn TIES and E+E's Showtime and Recreation committees are proud to present an experience that will take you to new heights with How to Train Your Dragon...with a new spin!
The first 6 p.m. screening will be sensory-friendly and will include a wide range of activities. As soon as doors open for each screening, 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., enjoy a fun, dragon-themed event with free goodie bags, photo ops and more! Note that the second, 8 p.m. show will be a regular, non-sensory friendly screening.
Campus Events and Entertainment events are free with a UT ID. Please present your ID at the entry. For accommodations, contact E+E five business days prior to the event. Attempts will be made to fulfill requests. Contact us at 512-475-6630 or studentprograms@universityunions.utexas.edu