Texas Union & Hogg Auditorium

Catering by Forty Acres Catering

Whether it is a simple buffet or an upscale banquet, for any confirmed event, catering can be provided in The Texas Union via our exclusive caterer, Forty Acres Catering. You can contact Forty Acres Catering via email at catering@austin.utexas.edu

Forty Acres Catering is a full-service caterer with the capacity to provide catered food and special touches for everything from casual affairs to the most sophisticated events on campus.

Catering staff have developed menu and service options for a variety of events and will create custom menus and service options to fit special needs.

Please Note: 

  • Events in the Santa Rita Suite require a minimum catering order of $250 for Student Organizations and $500 for Departments.
  • Events in the T-House require a minimum catering order of $150 for Student Organizations and $300 for Departments.

WCP Student Activity Center

Catering by Forty Acres Catering

Forty Acres Catering serves as an approved caterer at the William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center. You can contact Forty Acres Catering via email at catering@austin.utexas.edu

External Caterers

In addition to Forty Acres Catering, guests may contract the services of an off-campus catering company.

Please review WCP External Caterers for more details.

In this case, the event organizer must obtain an EHS Food Distribution Form for external catering through Environmental Health & Safety Department.

A copy of the approved food permit must be submitted to an Events Manager.

Group-Provided Food

In an event that prepackaged food or drinks are provided for an event a WCP Food Waiver Form is required. For example, an event providing coffee/soda and/or cookies would require the WCP Food Waiver but not the EHS form.

The William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center staff reserves the right to deny an event sponsor’s request for food service if all necessary forms are not completed and submitted into the Reservation's office in a timely manner.