Pricing for Texas Union & WCP Student Activity Center
Non-University affiliates: Please contact us for pricing details.

The Texas Union
2024-2025 Rates Effective September 1, 2024 (for Departments, Staff Organizations and Sponsored Student Organizations)
2.102 Eastwood Room ($56/hr)
2.404 Pearce Hall ($33/hr)
3.116 Governor's Room ($44/hr)
3.128 Sinclair Suite ($59/hr)
3.208 Lone Star Room ($42/hr)
3.312 T-House Suite ($48/hr) Minimum catering order required
4.108 Meeting Room ($14/hr)
4.110 African American Culture Room ($29/hr)
4.118 Board of Directors Room ($48/hr)
4.206 Chicano Culture Room ($31/hr)
4.222 Conference Room ($9/hr)
4.224 Asian Culture Room ($39/hr)
Texas Union Specialty Rooms
2.228 Theatre ($105/hr)
3.202 SBP Ballroom and Presidential Lobby ($214/hr)
Loggia - can only be booked as auxiliary space with rental of Ballroom ($83/hr)
3.304 Quadrangle Room ($115/hr)
3.502 Santa Rita Suite ($99/hr) Minimum catering order required
Hogg Memorial Auditorium ($578/hr) + Required Staffing Labor Costs
*Room rates include standard AV and room-sets. Specialty items and floor plan pricing available upon request.

William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center
Rates for 2024-2025 (for Departments and Staff Organizations)
WCP 1.106 Meeting Room ($34.09/hr)
WCP 1.118 Meeting Room ($34.73/hr)
WCP 2.120 Meeting Room ($44.12/hr)
WCP 2.310 Dance Rehearsal Space ($37.79/hr)
WCP 3.106 Meeting Room ($17.04/hr)
WCP 3.112 Meeting Room ($26.33/hr)
WCP 3.114 Executive Conference Room ($43.70/hr)
WCP 3.116 Meeting Room ($27.30/hr)
WCP 1.402 Auditorium ($97.34/hr)
WCP 2.304 Black Box Theater ($78.39/hr)
WCP 2.302 Legislative Assembly Room ($109.03/hr)
WCP 2.410 Ballroom ($120.26/hr)
Supplementary Charges
The University Union's funding allows the operation at staffing levels that vary depending on the day of the week. Certain requests for events may necessitate additional staffing resources and require associated labor charges. Occasions may include events that:
- Occur early morning hours
- Occur Monday mornings
- Require quick reset of large capacity rooms
- Occur outside of regular business hours
Room requests that require an early opening or extended hours require special approval. Additional charges will be assessed based on cost of building operation and staffing. Clients have the opportunity to discuss charges with University Union’s staff prior to event confirmation.
Requests for event support outside of normal business hours may vary in cost from $150-$300 per hour during regular weekday schedules. Weekend and intercession requests for event support outside of normal business hours are billed at $300 per hour.
An upcharge applies to events that charge admission. Please contact our Hospitality staff for detailed information.
Policies for William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center & Texas Union

William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center Policies and Procedures
View and download general policies and guidelines pertaining to usage of the William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center. Updated 09/17/2019

Texas Union Event Policies
Please note the use of the Texas Union is governed by a number of University policies, procedures and practices that may effect your reservation. Please consult with Texas Union Hospitality Services should you have questions.
- Requests for events in the Shirley Bird Perry Ballroom, Texas Union Theater, Santa Rita Suite and Quadrangle Rooms' require a pre-event meeting with a Hospitality Event Manager.
- Specialty Rooms (Shirley Bird Perry Ballroom, Santa Rita Suite, Quadrangle Room, Texas Union Theatre, and Hogg Memorial Auditorium) cannot be reserved for more than 2 days per event.
- A consultation with an Event Manager is required before the first weekly meeting.
- Weekly meetings in the Sinclair Suite, TX Governors' Room, Eastwoods Room, and the T-House Suite may not begin until 6 PM.
- After 6 PM, the T-House Suite is strictly reserved for use as dance, yoga, and meditation space. No other room in the Texas Union may be reserved for these purposes.
- For information regarding late cancellations, late reservation requests, and no-shows, please visit Cancellations, No Shows, & Rain Sites
- All catering in the Texas Union is provided by 40 Acres Catering. No outside catering or packaged food and beverage can be brought in the Texas Union.
- The Santa Rita Suite and the T-House Suite have mandatory catering minimums: Santa Rita Suite - $250 (RSOs), $500 (departments) & T-House Suite - $150 (RSOs), $300 (departments)
- Staff will determine appropriate sound levels. Amplified music (including musical instruments/equipment) is not allowed in Eastwoods Room, Texas Governors' Room, and Sinclair Suite.
- Texas Union staff must approve placement of promotional materials outside of meeting rooms.
- Texas Union staff reserves the right to assess post-event cleaning fees for excessive debris left in a room as a result of an event.
- Please refrain from the following in the Texas Union:
- Taping flyers, notices or decorations to walls, doors, and/or ceilings
- Use of candles, aerosols, glitter, confetti and other items that will cause additional cleaning
- Switching reservations with another group
- Painting or constructing anything inside the building
- Moving permanent furnishings in the Eastwoods Room, Texas Governor’s Room, Sinclair Suite, Lone Star Room, All Culture Rooms or Boardroom
- Covering windows or locking doors is not permitted
Film Permissions

Showing a film or video
All films and videos shown in a University Unions facility must have proof of permission from the individuals who have rights to the film at least 2 weeks prior to showing the film.
For more information about obtaining right to films, please refer to or
If you are interested in showing a movie at the Texas Union, please call the Hospitality Office at 512-475-6677 and speak with a full time Event Staff member.

Filming, videoing or photographing in a University Unions facility
Commercial filming is not allowed in the Texas Union unless an agreement and contract process has been completed with The Office of Public Affairs.
Students may film or take pictures in the Texas Union for a student project if they have met with a full time Event Staff member to discuss the nature of it, meet the criteria on the Request for Filming/Video Recording/Photography Permission form and sign the permission form, thereby agreeing to the contents there.
Security & Parking

For information regarding security & parking, please refer to this page