Digiknow Submissions

The University Unions provides the opportunity for university departments and registered student organizations to advertise events and activities on campus.

There are 10 screens located throughout the Texas Union Building (UNB) and the William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center (WCP). If you are a Student Organization (SO), as defined by the Dean of Students Student Activities Office, or a department of the University, providing events, activities or services for students you can apply to have a slide for your event or activities show on the University Unions DigiKnow system (digital screens).

What You Need To Do

  • Read the DigiKnow Policies
  • Create Your Ad
  • Submit DigiKnow - Submit your slide and request using the links below (EID login required & will open in new window or tab)
  • Please submit requests one week before you would like your slide to run using the link below.

Digiknow Policies

  • DigiKnow space is restricted to registered student organizations and university departments.
  • Events featured on DigiKnows must be open to current UT students and located on the UT campus.
  • Approved advertisements will run for 7 days (Tuesday-Monday).
  • This Service is provided free of charge and without guarantee.
  • University Unions is not responsible for technical difficulties in the event the system goes off-line.
  • The deadline for slide submissions is one week prior to the first day of your preferred run time.

Create Your Ad

The slide submitted for approval must be in the following format:

  • 1920 x 1080 pixels widescreen - horizontal
  • RGB
  • jpeg file
  • Your slide request will be declined if it is not in this format

Design Tips

  • Keep it simple and concise
  • Words are far more important in your advertisement than eye catching graphics
  • Choose a clear message for your advertising
  • Think in terms of: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
  • Have a call to action in the form of a command. What do you want viewers of your message to do?
  • Examples: “Apply to be a Resident Assistant” or “Buy your tickets now”

Ready to Submit Your DigiKnow?

Digiknow smal

Request Information

  • Requests must be submitted online following the link below.
  • You will receive a confirmation via email once you upload and submit your slide using the site.
  • You will receive another email when your request has been either approved or declined. If approved, the email will indicate which of your preferred run weeks was selected. You can also log back into the submission site to see up-to-date information regarding your slide submissions.
  • If you have any problems or are not receiving emails from the site - RSOs please call the ECB Assistant at (512) 475-6645 and University Departments email - digiknows@universityunions.utexas.edu