The following general policies and guidelines pertain to the Student Services Building (SSB). Any exceptions to these policies may be approved by the Student Services Policy Committee.
Alcoholic Beverages
Campus Carry & Firearms
Controlled Substances (Drugs)
Equipment and Property
Events and Meeting Rooms
Extension Cords and Power Strips
Food and Drink
Loading Dock
Lost and Found
Mail Services
Notary Public
Recycling, Composting and Waste Disposal
Safety Hub
Seasonal Decorations
Space Heaters
Visitor Parking
Alcoholic Beverages
Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in the Student Services Building. However, the chief executive officer of The University of Texas at Austin may waive this restriction with respect to any university sponsored event. An event is sponsored if a budgeted office, department or division of The University of Texas at Austin is responsible for organizing the event, inviting attendees and paying event-related expenses, including the purchase of food and beverages. Meetings or events organized and presented by registered faculty, staff or student organizations are not considered university sponsored events.
See the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost website for more information.
With the exception of certified support animals and animals involved in appropriate university activities, no animals are permitted inside the Student Services Building (SSB). See the University's official policy for additional information.
Bicycles, mopeds, skateboards and roller skates (including in-line skates) are not permitted in the Student Services Building (SSB), with exception of discreet storage of a bicycle by a staff member working in the building. The staff member must obtain appropriate approval from their department head and notify the Building Management Office. Bicycles and mopeds must be parked in designated outdoor area. This prohibition does not apply to wheelchairs or other mechanical or automated equipment designed for and used by people with impaired mobility. See the university's official policy for more information.
Campus Carry and Firearms
The concealed carry of handguns is prohibited in patient care areas at UT Austin, including those areas in which professional mental health services are provided. Because a significant majority of the Student Services Building (SSB) is devoted to patient care, the entire building is exempt from the concealed carry of handguns. Reference Handbook of Operating Procedures 8-1060 Section VII Responsibilities and Procedures, E. Patient Care.
Possession or use of firearms and weapons that could inflict bodily harm or result in disturbances of the peace are strictly prohibited in the Student Services Building (SSB). The prohibition applies to all persons, students, faculty, staff and campus visitors. Facsimiles, including water guns and airguns, are also prohibited in the facility without prior approval of the Dean of Students.
Students or student organizations wanting to possess, use, or display firearms, facsimile firearms, ammunition, explosives or other weapons on property owned or controlled by the University must obtain permission from the Office of the Dean of Students by submitting the online Weapons Approval Form.
Controlled Substances (Drugs)
State law relating to the possession, use or sale of intoxicants will be strictly enforced.
Evacuations will be indicated by an audible and visual alarm. All occupants are asked to leave the building immediately. For weather and other shelter-in-place emergencies, instructions will be announced building-wide.
Download the SSB Emergency Plan (PDF)
Download the UA9 Emergency Plan (PDF)
For additional campus emergency information, see the Emergency Preparedness website.
Equipment & Property
All equipment and material items purchased from university accounts are the property of the university (ref. The University of Texas at Austin Handbook of Operating Procedures 3-2020-PM). Equipment considered as capital equipment (>$5,000) or controlled equipment ($500-$4999) shall be assigned to a departmental inventory. Department heads are responsible for proper use, maintenance and protection of equipment and materials. Each department is responsible for disposing of surplus equipment in accordance with university policy.
Events & Meeting Rooms
Go to our Meeting Rooms page for more information.
Extension Cords and Power Strips
The use of extension cords in place of permanent electrical wiring on campus is not permitted. Extension cords can be used for temporary purposes, such as accommodating the wiring needs of a meeting. Contact the Student Services Building (SSB) building manager if additional power outlets are needed.
Power strips are permitted, as long as you plug them directly into the wall and do not plug more than one power strip into a single outlet, or plug a power strip into another power strip.
See the university's fire prevention website for more information.
Flyers may NOT be hung on walls at SSB. Student organizations may display flyers on the SSB coffee tables (in lobbies G-4). The coffee table flyers will be collected and recycled after one week. SSB departments may ask the Building Manager permission to temporarily hang flyers in approved areas. To submit a request, please email
Bulletin boards located in the Student Services Building (SSB) are exclusively for official university business. Solicitations and personal notices are prohibited. See the Student Activities page on flyers for additional information.
Food and Drink
Students, faculty, staff, visitors and guests are permitted to purchase and consume food and non-alcoholic beverages in common areas and reservable rooms within the Student Services Building (SSB). All persons bringing in food or drink into the SSB are responsible for appropriate disposal of trash and cleaning of the room/common area. Staff within the building should consult their department head regarding appropriate rules and practices for food and drink within spaces controlled by an administrative unit within the SSB. Snack and soft drinks can be bought from the ground floor vending machines or the Forty Acres Pharmacy located on the first floor.
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) requires advance approval for any activity occurring on campus in which Potentially Hazardous Foods (PHF) may be distributed by staff, students or vendors to other persons. The intent of this policy is to cover food handed out or sold, not pot-lucks, food provided at business meetings or other business functions of the unit. Individuals should check with EHS if they have questions on whether advance approval to serve food is required. Submit the food distribution form online or go to the EHS website for more information.
Student Services Building (SSB) employees should report work-related injuries immediately to their supervisor. The supervisor will work with their designated departmental representative to complete the First Injury Report Form. Injuries to SSB guests and visitors that could possibly result in a claim under the Texas Tort Claims Act should be reported to the SSB building manager. The building manager will contact the Office of the Vice President and Chief Financial Office and complete a Preliminary Summary Report. Read more about the university's liability policies online.
Fire Prevention Services strongly discourages using halogen lamps in campus facilities. If you decide to use a halogen lamp in your office, follow these guidelines:
- Make sure the lamp is labeled as "listed" by the Underwriters' Laboratory (UL) or another recognized testing agency.
- Do not use halogen bulbs that exceed 120 watts.
- Make sure lamps have a glass or wire guard that protects the bulb.
- Keep lamps away from drapes, curtains and other combustibles.
- Do not place lamps in a high-traffic area or anywhere someone may easily trip over them.
- Turn lamps off when you leave the room.
Loading Dock
The loading dock area, located on the north side of the building, is utilized regularly by vendors and contractors who provide services to tenants within the Student Services Building (SSB). Vehicle operators may park in the loading zone (LZ) for 30 minutes to load/unload a vehicle; however, the operator must have the vehicle's emergency lights flashing. There are no permits required for LZ spaces. LZ spaces are in effect "At All Times". Once the loading/unloading process has been completed, the space must be vacated and those not in the process of loading or unloading may be cited by Parking and Transportation Services.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found is located in the SSB Management Office in G1.408AB. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please contact the Management Office during business hours. After 4:00 p.m., please contact the students at the SSB Information Desk (main lobby) or UTPD Lost and Found.
Mail Services
U.S. mail is delivered and picked up daily, 5 days per week to/from the designated mailbox in the ground floor SSB receivables area. Departments are responsible for picking up and delivering U.S. mail to the designated campus mailbox in the SSB. Mail pick up and delivery by the U.S. Post Office occurs daily at approximately 2 p.m..
Public Restrooms
Restrooms are located on all levels of the Student Services Building (SSB). These restrooms are available to all students, faculty, staff, guest and visitors during normal operating hours. Public restrooms must be used in the fashion they are intended, and users are expected to follow all university policies and procedures. Activities such as sleeping, loitering and/or smoking are strictly prohibited in any public bathroom.
The SSB has several restrooms (1st floor, 3rd floor, and two single restrooms on the 5th floor). There is an infant changing table in the 1st floor restroom (1.406).
If you discover that the condition of a public bathroom requires immediate attention, please contact the SSB building manager at 512-232-2890, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you have an after-hours emergency, call 512-471-2020.
Recycling, Composting and Waste Disposal
Facilities services is responsible for recycling products on campus via the designated blue bins found throughout the Student Services Building (SSB). Recycling bins are single-stream and are emptied by facilities services during routine operations.
Bins found inside restrooms are for compostable paper towels only.
Large boxes and solid waste may be discarded in the recycling and waste dumpsters found on the north side ground floor of the building next to the loading dock. (Note: please break down boxes before putting them in recycling.)
Additional information regarding recycling can be found on the Facilities Services website.
Safety Hub
The SSB has a safety hub supplied by Emergency Preparedness, located on the 1st floor near the Office of Health Promotion. The safety hub includes:
- A sign with the building location
- An emergency call box
- An AED cabinet
- Eight bleed control kits
The AED cabinet is connected to a local alarm which is activated when opened, but does not automatically connect to UTPD. The building manager will have a key to reset the cabinet. Please contact the building manager for additional information.
Seasonal Decorations
Seasonal decorations should not obstruct doorways, walkways and stairs. The amount of combustible materials on the walls and ceilings should be limited and away from lights and other ignition sources.
Natural Christmas trees are not allowed on campus. Artificial trees are permitted, but they must be in a common area (such as a lobby or reception area), and must not obstruct emergency exit doors, exit aisles, fire hose cabinets, manual fire alarm pull-boxes or portable fire extinguishers.
Seasonal lighting is allowed and should be turned off when the office is unoccupied.
Burning candles or incense is prohibited.
For more information visit the Fire Prevention website.
The University of Texas at Austin is a tobacco-free campus. The use of any tobacco products is prohibited in university buildings and on university grounds.
More information is available online.
Space Heaters
Portable electric space heaters "listed" by the Underwriters' Laboratory (UL) or another recognized testing agency are allowed in office areas.
Visitor Parking
Parking lots and street parking, with the exception of parking on Dean Keeton, are administered by Parking and Transportation Services. Parking permits for university employees are available from Parking and Transportation services. Guests may park in a university garage for 30-minutes without charge. Departments may purchase one-time use and event parking permits for guests online.