Campus Events + Entertainment provides various services for Registered Student Organizations and University Departments. Click on the links to learn more about the free services we offer, or use the contact form if you have any questions regarding these services. Unless otherwise noted services are available only to recognized Registered Student Organizations.
Campus Events + Entertainment is located on the fourth floor of the Texas Union building.
Services for Registered Student Organizations (RSO)

DigiKnow Screens (Digital Signage or flat-screen TVs)
The University Unions provides opportunities each week (Tuesday-Monday) for Registered Student Organizations to advertise student-focused, student-produced events and activities on campus open to all UT students on the University Unions digital screen system (DigiKnow). Approved advertisements will run for 7 days. There are 12 screens located throughout the Texas Union Building (UNB), William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center (WCP), Prufrock’s Coffee Shop in the PCL, and the Wendy’s in Jester Center.

Funding from the Events CoSponsorship Board (ECB)
E+E's Events CoSponsorship Board provides funding and cosponsorship support for events hosted by registered student organizations.
Locker Rental
The Texas Union houses lockers in three sizes that are available to registered student organizations for lease. These lockers are leased on a yearly basis and can be renewed annually for as long as the organization has need.
Annual Rates:
- 56" x 28" x 18" large locker — $100 annually
- 36" x 24" x 22" medium locker — $75 annually
- 24" x 11" x 22" small locker — $50 annually
PLEASE NOTE: There is currently a wait list for locker space.
Contact us using the form below to inquire about locker rentals in the Texas Union.
Office Space Rental
The Union leases offices on a yearly basis to registered student organizations. Options for rental include solo or shared office space. Rates as of May 2016:
- Solo office: $250 annually
- Shared office: $125 annually
PLEASE NOTE: There is currently a wait list for office space.
Contact us using the form below to inquire about office space rental.
Poster Approval
The Texas Union has two bulletin boards where UT registered student organizations and University departments may post flyers and/or handbills for their events:
- Location #1 is on the second floor next to the North elevator (across from the Chick-Fil-A)
- Location #2 is on the north end of the fourth floor between the restroom and the elevator
In order to post an advertisement, you must first get it approved and stamped by the Unions Hospitality Desk, on the second floor across from Starbucks. Only UT registered student organizations and University departments may post advertisements. The posters may not contain any inappropriate material or profanity, and the name of the organization or department must be clearly visible on the advertisement. Flyers will remain hung on the bulletin boards until the event is over, and then will be promptly removed.
Any poster placed on the bulletin boards without approval, or hung elsewhere in the building, will be removed and thrown away without notice, even if posted by a UT registered student organization or university department.