Showtime hosts programs and events related to film and television. These programs include our weekly Blockbuster and Late-Night Film Series, advanced movie screenings, TV premieres, trivia nights, sing-alongs, and interactive events. We can't wait to see you!
It's Showtime!
Admission is free for any student (plus one guest) with their UT ID. All film screenings take place in the Texas Union Theater unless otherwise stated.
Want to join Showtime? Meetings are every Monday at 5 p.m. in Texas Union, UNB 4.224.
All of our events are free for UT students and staff. Each person in attendance is allowed one guest.
How to Join Showtime
Showtime is open and free for all students to join! To become a member, just attend one of our meetings Mondays 5-6 pm Texas Union Asian Culture Room (UNB 4.224), or approach us at our table outside of the movie theatre during screenings. Showtime members can help decide the movies we show in the future, while also meeting fellow movie lovers and getting connected with advanced screenings and other film-related opportunities. We hope to see you soon!
Chair: Thien T. Nguyen
Advisor: Marcos Villarreal